Conservation in Action!

1 Terrace

Under construction during the autumn of 2015


Hard work continued this spring

Tern terrace 1 (Isle of May)

The finished tern terrace in April

Good news...

And the first major result; Sandwich Tern nesting!

Monday 6th June comments: It’s all about the planning. Last autumn a decision was made to improve the tern nesting habitat near the Beacon in the centre of island to help encourage more Terns to nest and hopefully increase the population.

The management work involved removing nettle beds (which Terns don’t nest in) and replace with tarpaulin and gravel. As a final measure, specialist ‘tern boxes’ were constructed and located to help establish the population (chicks will use the boxes for shelter and protection against predators) and that’s how the Isle of May Tern terraces were born!

Leap forward five months and the tern terraces are now in full swing with a number of Arctic and Common Terns are using the new fancy accommodation. However yesterday we discovered even better news….a nesting pair of Sandwich Terns! This may not sound significant but the species has not nested on here since 2004 and the pair are using the new terrace. Bingo. Success in the first year and we’ve now got plans to extend the terraces this autumn and hopefully attract even more next year. This is conservation in action.

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