Migrants on the Move


Good numbers of meadow Pipits on the move with over 500 logged in one day


Other birds like Wheatears are also on the way south

Thursday 8th September comments: It’s been a busy week on the May as migrant birds have really started pouring through the island. The majority are birds heading south to winter in warmer climes like Swallows and House Martins whilst others are northern breeders heading into the area for the winter like Red-throated Divers.

To give you the scale of movement, here are the significant counts from selected days recently:

Tuesday 6th September: House martin 562 south (second highest ever count for the island), Swallow 124 South, Sand Martin 16 south

Monday 5th September: Red-throated Diver 29 west into the Forth (record count for the island)

Saturday 3rd September: Meadow Pipit 515 south

Over the next two months we should see a lot more moving over the island and hopefully some rare birds arriving as well. As ever we’ll keep you posted on the blog but keep your eyes to the skies as you never know what you may see!

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